Seating is first come - first served. Picnic style seating - bring a blanket or low beach chair to sit on.
When King Leontes of Sicilia does not want his best friend the King of Bohemia, Polixenes, to go home after his six-month visit he asks his wife, Queen Hermione to convince King Polixenes to stay a little longer. After Hermione persuades Polixenes to stay, Leontes becomes insanely jealous accusing his wife of infidelity and is convinced the child she carries is not his, defying the Oracle of Apollo who has cleared her of any wrong-doing. King Leontes imprisons his wife and banishes his new born daughter to death, which kills Hermione, followed by his young son Mamillius, who also dies as a result.
By luck or intervention by the Gods, the babe, Perdita, is rescued by a local Shepherd and his son, and they raise her as the Shepherd's adopted daughter.
Sixteen years pass.
The son of Polixenes, Prince Florizel, and the Sheperdess Perdita have fallen in love but fear their union will not be accepted due to Perdita's low-born status. Through various hi-jinks and the unknowing aid of the thief Autolycus, they make their escape to Sicilia where King Leontes has spent the past 16 years mourning and repenting the loss of his family. There, it is discovered that Perdita is his daughter and lost princess, Hermione his Queen is not dead, the royal family is reunited.
The Winter's Tale
By Shakespeare
Dalia Vidor
Nez Gray-Freeman
FREE Shows in the Park Dates:
July 26 & 27 4pm Hanns Park, Vallejo
August 2 4pm Marina Pavilion Green, Benicia
August 3 4pm Susana Park, Martinez
August 9 4pm Solano Community College, Fairfield
August 10 4pm Lower Dracena Park, Piedmont (Limited Parking)
Fundraiser Shows $25 online or at the door
August 15 & 16 7pm Vino Godfather Winery, Vallejo
Stage Manager/Prompter
Cate Muzaffar
Fight Choreographer/Intimacy Coach
Dalia Vidor